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                          IS YOUR FAMILY & PROPERTY SECURE??



"A U.S. study shows that crime rates increase in proportion to the number of stories in a residential building. Communal areas (corridors, elevators, etc.) particularly show a higher crime rate in the high-rise developments. The conclusion of such research is that the spatial design of high-rise developments does not nurture the social control or observation potential that could help prevent crime."


 Office of Justice Programs "



     Important Home Burglary Statistics (Editor’s Picks)

  • The average burglary loss is valued at $2,661.
  • 47% of burglaries are not planned.
  • Only 39% of stolen household goods get recovered.
  • An average break-in lasts between 8 and 10 minutes.
  • 28% of burglaries occur with someone still in the house!
  • Just 13.6% of burglaries result in arrest.
  • Suburban homes have a 50% higher chance of being burglarized.



  • THE COST TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Rural theft cost an estimated $48,320,550.00
  • the average insurance claim cost rose over 11%.
  • 34% of people polled know someone who has been forced to change the way they live or work as a result of rural crime.
  • LIVESTOCK THEFT COST $2,863,680.00

 An increase of 3.7% on the previous year.

  • LAND ROVER DEFENDER THEFT COST $3,103,282.00, A rise of 87% on the previous year.
  • QUAD AND ATV THEFT COST $2,625,854.00
  • TRAILER THEFT  $2,087,575.00,  An increase of nearly 5% as thieves, again set their sights on larger equipment.
  • Initial indications reveal that the first quarter of 2022 has seen thieves making up for lost time over the pandemic, with costs over 40% higher than the same period last year.
  • Behind every crime there is an impact on farmers and their families - farms are places of work and people’s homes. With the cost of living crisis biting and prices of essential farm equipment and fuel soaring, crime could increase in the months ahead.


"A study conducted in 2017 reported that over 1.7 million burglaries occurred within the United States during that calendar year.

Of those 1.7 million home burglaries, almost half a million, or 424,886 incidences, took place during the day. Most burglars assume that inhabitants will not be home during the day, and thus opt to commit their criminal activity during this time of day. In fact, most home burglaries take place between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m and last eight to 10 minutes, according to "SafeAtLast."


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